Friday, 22 April 2011

Where's the horse in all of this?

Where's the horse in all of this?

A gent's coffee would get awful cold before he got half ways finished reading all the different opinions out there on "how to ride a horse", "how to train a horse", "how to saddle one" and the list goes on forever. Heck we should be training the poor critter how to read so's he can learn how to be a horse.

Being a horseman for near 30 years I find it interesting to read up on the views of others, sometimes learning, most times sitting with jaw open in disbelief as I try desperately to absorb the incredible views of the misguided.

I nearly choked on a mouthful of hot coffee this morning when, while trying to learn more about my "Gmail account", I discovered a blog written by a self proclaimed horse trainer titled " I hate your horse".......

This must be one of the biggest contradictions I have ever encountered, a horse trainer publicly stating to hate your horse. Obviously the poor soul is trying to live life as some one they should not.

I was under the impression that a horse trainer was one who lived and breathed horses, someone who couldn't wait to get out of bed in the morning so they could get back to where they left off the evening before. I guess I'm just confused.

The following is the letter I wrote the troubled soul;

How can one that boasts such extraordinary skills with an Equine want those who may actually HAVE an in depth understanding of the animal to realize, within a very short time, that the person sitting behind the key board of their computer boasting, in all actuality has such a limited understanding of true horsemanship they are in fact displaying to the world that it is they that are in every manner the "Poser" they are so eager to knock down.
A true training expert would not spend their time knocking others and their opinions, would not spend their time degrading the foundation of the "American Quarter-horse", telling the world that their understanding of "Graduated" bits and the proper use of training aids such as "Spurs" is so ridiculously limited it is almost painful to see. The true expert would not identify to the world that they are so incredibly limited that they are unable to identify something so simple as a graduating case of "Laminitis", they would be eager to pass on the knowledge they had "EARNED" by standing dust covered and sweat soaked after riding their 8th fresh colt of the day, not so quick to pass on the knowledge they had so easily gained while sitting on their couch watching a training DVD with a mouthful of popcorn and a cup of green tea.

One is easily identified by the manner they portray themselves to the educated world in which they choose to exist. The quiet gent in the dusty Stetson hat, the one riding the 27 year old saddle, wearing the trail worn chaps and drop shank spurs, the quiet man carrying the "Snaffle Bit" head stall that has seen the mouth of over 700 head, the one who has that ability to slide into a pen full of "off the range" horses and within a few short minutes know the mind of each animal that stands before him, it is he who is eager to lend a kind and caring hand to assist those who have not been fortunate enough to spend over 30 years learning the way of the horse, assisting them to grow in understanding and appreciation for the majestic animal they so eagerly want to ride without mishap.

A truly dedicated "Horse Trainer" is eager to LISTEN to every word another has to offer, knowing which to cast aside and that of which to ad to their knowledge base. NO ONE has the ability to gain ALL the knowledge in their short life time and it is through others and the experiences they have endured that knowledge is passed, NOT by sitting behind a computer lashing out at everyone who expresses an opinion.

I sincerely feel a touch of pity towards you when I read your writings, such a bitter life you must lead. Try for once, instead of jumping around talking and working hard to gather attention to yourself, try just standing in the presence of a horse, standing quietly within his space and let his magic heal your bitter soul.

Now I realize I may have been a little brash in my approach but those who know me were quick to realize I have little trouble speaking my mind when I feel the need to do so. It is a sad thing that such people make attempt to school those wishing to learn the art of true horsemanship, an even more disturbing thought is the realization that there are many similar minded people out there telling themselves they are qualified to teach an unsuspecting horse.

Written by;
Ron Arnett
"A Man From The Wilderness"


In the beginning the Creator made the heavens, the earth and all the creatures within, he stopped on the seventh day taking rest, taking time to cast a backwards glance over his work. With a wrinkled brow he came to the realization that he had made some mistakes in creating mankind and it became obvious that man would require assistance while on his journey through life.

The great Creator gathered unto him all the creatures of the earth and in a kind and gentle voice he explained that man would be in need of assistance as he traveled on his journey through life. Choosing to allow the creatures to decide amongst themselves as to whether or not they wished to help man on his journey the creator stood in silence as the animals pondered his request.

It was the dog that first stepped forth with a wet grin and a wagging tail, looking up into the kind and gentle eyes of his creator the dog said, “It will be I that helps man throughout his journey, I will walk beside him as he travels down life’s road, keeping him company and giving him protection when danger is near.” The Creator smiled, reaching down to softly stroke the dogs head he said, “Man shall consider you his friend and companion from this day forth, I am pleased.”

When the Creator lifted his gaze from the dog’s smiling face his eyes met the steady gaze of the mighty horse. The horse said in a strong and majestic voice, “ You shall walk beside us my tiny friend, walk beside us as I carry man through this world. I shall carry the burdens of man upon my back. I shall pull behind me the weight of his laden carts and plow, leaning into the struggles of man’s life as if they were my own. I shall sacrifice the freedom that I was bestowed in order to help man conquer the difficulties he must face. When man is troubled or unhappy, all he must do is look deeply into my eyes, to feel the warm embrace of my magical spirit and I shall help him feel a strength within.”

The Creator’s eyes flooded with warm tears as he listened to the mighty horse and when the steed’s voice fell silent, the Creator place his hand gently upon the horse’s neck and turned to all the Creatures gathered before him. “I have witnessed this mighty being display courage and fortitude, showing a pure and kindred soul, let it be known amongst you that from this day forth the mighty horse shall hold a sacred place deep within my heart.”

Written by
Ron Arnett
"A Man From The Wilderness